Cheating Spouse Test

By Tony Nagaoa

If you are trying to figure out what is wrong with your marriage, you may find the answer in the form of the Cheating Spouse Test. If you think your spouse may be involved in an affair, it's important that you figure out if this is the case or not. By applying these tips to the behavior of your spouse, you should be able to figure out if they are cheating on you or not.

If you think you are getting cheated for no fault of yours, just stay calm. Ask your spouse some questions casually about their day and your future. Talk to them, just like a friend not like a cop. Probe, but in loving manner.

Their behavior to you can be another major indication. If they are suddenly acting more loving to you, it may seem strange. This is probably not true love and they are simply trying to keep you happy and away from their infidelities.

You can try many ways to catch them, but starting slow is the best way. Otherwise things just go out of control. If they are leaving early or coming late, make a note.

The more sarcastic test is to ask your spouse what they feel about cheating spouses. Like a general discussion or may be just casually. The answer may tell you a lot more about them.

Another smart way of judging them is to ask what they feel about cheaters. This will be like a test for them, so when they are answering observe and listen with your heart.

The test also involves background information. So find out where they were and what they were doing before you got marriage. Do they have a history of cheating?

Just pretend to go on business trip for a few days, stay in town and secretly watch them. When you are not around, they may do things more openly.

If you want it bold, confront him/her and do a polygraph test. You need the consent first though. Very extreme cases resort to this test as its already broken by this stage.

The last option is the polygraph test. However this is possible if you have already broken the news that you feel they are cheating. This is a full proof test.

All or none of the parts of the Cheating Spouse Test may work for you. It really ends up being more of a test about you than the other person and how willing you are to accept what may be reality. You have to have a strong will and you have to decide if you are ready to know the truth.

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