Animation has become extremely popular over the last few years thanks to films like Shrek, Monsters Inc and Toy Story among many others. Animation has been around for many years but it has developed significantly and the types of animation have changed to produce much better looking films. Today some of the highest grossing films are animated films and some of the biggest stars, directors and producers have featured in animated films.
Stop-motion animation has been a very popular type of animation over the years and although it hasn't been used in many films it was used for many television programmes. Objects were moved a small amount and a photograph taken of each movement so that when put together it provided the illusion that they were moving by themselves. Today stop-motion isn't really used but hobbyists still make small films with this method because it is cheap and simple.
Then there is traditional animation which is also known as cel or hand-drawn animation and is quite similar to stop-motion. Traditional animation like stop-motion is used very much today and was used more in the 20th century to make films including The Aristocats and Pinocchio. Traditional animation requires the images to be drawn and traced with one small part changed for each frame. Computers have made the process faster but when it was popular it was a very lengthy process.
More modern animation techniques include 2D animation which was used to make films such as The Lion King and Aladdin. The images are created by computer in either bitmap or vector format making it slightly easier than clay modelling are drawing like in many older animated films and programmes. 2D animation was a big jump forward for animation and some of the films it was used to create are some of the most popular animated films ever
The type of animation which is most commonly used today is 3D and was first seen with the very successful Toy Story. This method allows for fantastic detail to be applied which is extremely life-like and the final result is much more glossy and flowing than any type of animation before.
Stop-motion animation has been a very popular type of animation over the years and although it hasn't been used in many films it was used for many television programmes. Objects were moved a small amount and a photograph taken of each movement so that when put together it provided the illusion that they were moving by themselves. Today stop-motion isn't really used but hobbyists still make small films with this method because it is cheap and simple.
Then there is traditional animation which is also known as cel or hand-drawn animation and is quite similar to stop-motion. Traditional animation like stop-motion is used very much today and was used more in the 20th century to make films including The Aristocats and Pinocchio. Traditional animation requires the images to be drawn and traced with one small part changed for each frame. Computers have made the process faster but when it was popular it was a very lengthy process.
More modern animation techniques include 2D animation which was used to make films such as The Lion King and Aladdin. The images are created by computer in either bitmap or vector format making it slightly easier than clay modelling are drawing like in many older animated films and programmes. 2D animation was a big jump forward for animation and some of the films it was used to create are some of the most popular animated films ever
The type of animation which is most commonly used today is 3D and was first seen with the very successful Toy Story. This method allows for fantastic detail to be applied which is extremely life-like and the final result is much more glossy and flowing than any type of animation before.