Enjoy The Best Coffee Maker 2011

By Tom Bellars, Sam Salone

All hail the best invention for coffee drinkers since toilet-shaped mugs, the Cuisinart Programmable Automatic Brew and Serve! Winner of the Top Ten Reviews Gold Award for coffeemakers, it is easily the best coffeemaker of 2011.

A basic feature that sets it apart from most commercial coffeemakers is the absence of a hot plate. Java is kept warm with an insulated carafe and a revolutionary ball-bearing mechanized lid that allows you to pour your coffee even when the lid it shut tight. Long-time drinkers have noted that coffee kept warm on top of a hot plate has a burnt aftertaste. Well not if it's kept warm from its sides. Think of it as a thick cozy warm jacket in comparison to being roasted in a bonfire.

With the capacity to make 12 cups of coffee at once the Cuisinart is an efficient coffee system. The best coffee maker 2011 uses traditional paper filters, providing an awesome flavored brew. No more raised cholesterol from bad elements in the coffee. No more feeling of quilt with this awesome brew.

But there are a several issues though. The Cusinart lacks an water filter. So an individual should be cautious of using faucet water and opt for the distilled kind. Not unless you want to scrape off tough water inside the container or have your coffee taste like shower drapes.

Don't be afraid, for the Cusinart makes up for it in what seems to be every imaginable desire of a java drinker. You can brew up to one whole day in this next wave of advanced technology! You could leave it on before you go to work and following a tough day's work come home to the sweet embrace of meticulously brewed coffee beans. Just schedule the 24-hour clock and you are decent to go. Always forgetting to turn off the coffee system, thus, increasing your power bills and/or taking a chance on burning your residence down? The best coffeemaker of 2011 has a function that automatically turns the power down after a couple of hours after preparing. And just as a back-up, 3 audible beeps are released after every make. Can't wait to take a sip even when the java is still preparing like the true coffee addict that you are? Well, now you can (and without even spilling a drop!) thanks to the Cuisinart's brew pause feature.

The Cuisinart Programmable Automatic Brew and Serve looks like it arrived directly out off a Star Trek episode. Sleek and enticing, it's ideal for the modern day home. The Cuisinart has a power production of 1000 watts, fewer than that of most coffeemakers in the market, yet potent enough to make very hot java in a quick amount of time. Programming it is as easy as pressing a few controls. So Gramps doesn't need to call up on anyone to figure out where the energy button is.

If you are looking for the best coffee maker 2011 with a great warranty, Cuisinart offers a 3 yr package. You can't ask for better. That takes the cake.

Hands down, the Cuisinart Programmable Automatic Brew and Serve is the best coffeemaker of 2011

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